This country was founded on the belief that all men are created equal. That each of us have certain unalienable Rights: including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Founding Fathers were so determined to protect these rights, not only did they declare their independence, they pledged mutually to each other their Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor.
It seems a foreign concept to most people today, except for a distinct few. Among those few are those who have answered the call to service. It is not just today, but every day, that we should honor those who serve, and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Today, we pay our respects to those who have died in service to our Country.
Those who gave their lives, so we may have ours.
Those who believed, above all, that preservation of our rights … our freedoms … is worth not only fighting for, but dying for.
So today, Memorial Day, is not just a day for picnics and beaches. It does not just mark the unofficial start of summer. It is a day of remembrance, of honor, of respect.
It is a day that should be held high for all of us. The foundations of the very lives we live today are built upon those who gave to preserve our freedoms. It is not enough just to remember, we must honor the memory.
We cannot allow the memories of those who fought with such valor to be tarnished by those who don’t respect the sacrifice. We cannot call ourselves free if the very people we elect to represent us are holding us hostage to political play.
Today, and every day, we must hold accountable those in power. We must remind them of why we declared our independence and what our principles are. We hold these truths to be self-evident. We are a nation of the People, by the People, and for the People.
Today, I pause and pay my respects to those who have given all in service to this great Nation.
I thank you for the lives you’ve given. You gave yours…and gave me mine to live. It is incredibly humbling to recognize the sacrifice and put it into perspective. One life, for many. I sleep soundly under the blanket of freedom that you have provided.
Freedom and Liberty aren’t just ideas, they are the basis of our existence. Words cannot convey the appreciation for those who have defended those principles to this day.
For all who serve in defense and support of our Constitution, I thank you.
In memory of your fallen brothers and sisters, I join you in mourning, in remembering, in honoring their service and sacrifice. I pledge to continue to hold dear the ideals, the rights, the freedoms, they gave their lives for.
May god bless each and every one of you, and may god continue to bless the United States of America.
It is not enough just to remember, we must honor the memory.
It is not just today, but every day, that we should honor those who serve, and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.